Source code for smartleia

Here is detailed the python API of the `smartleia` package.

import ctypes
import threading
import time
from enum import Enum, IntEnum, IntFlag
from typing import List, Optional, Union

import serial

__all__ = [

__version__ = "1.0.1"

name = "smartleia"

# Maximum size of APDU payload size
# NOTE: because of firmware SRAM constraints, we only
# support this size for now.


class LEIAStructure(ctypes.Structure):
    Base structure for exchanging data with LEIA.

    def pack(self):
        return bytes(self)[:]

    def unpack(self, by):
        fit = min(len(by), ctypes.sizeof(self))
        ctypes.memmove(ctypes.addressof(self), by, fit)
        return self

    def normalized(self):
        return bytes(self)

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self)

    def __str__(self):
        return " ".join(["{:02x}".format(x) for x in self.normalized()])

class ByteStruct(LEIAStructure):
    _pack_ = 1
    _fields_ = [("value", ctypes.c_uint8)]

class Timers(LEIAStructure):
    _pack_ = 1
    _fields_ = [
        ("delta_t", ctypes.c_uint32),
        ("delta_t_answer", ctypes.c_uint32),

    def __init__(self, delta_t = 0, delta_t_answer = 0):
        Create a Timers structure.

            delta_t (int) : total time for the APDU.
            delta_t_answer (int) : answer time for the APDU.
        LEIAStructure.__init__(self, delta_t = 0, delta_t_answer = 0)
        self.delta_t = self.delta_t_answer = 0

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return f"""Timers(
        delta_t={self.delta_t:d} microseconds,
        delta_t_answer={self.delta_t_answer:d} microseconds,
##### Triggers handling ######
[docs]class TriggerPoints(IntFlag): """ Class utility to reference the trigger points available. """ #: Point before getting the ATR. TRIG_GET_ATR_PRE = 1 << 0 #: Point just after the ATR has been received. TRIG_GET_ATR_POST = 1 << 1 #: Point just before sending a simple APDU in T=0. TRIG_PRE_SEND_APDU_SHORT_T0 = 1 << 2 #: Point just before sending a fragmented APDU in T=0. TRIG_PRE_SEND_APDU_FRAGMENTED_T0 = 1 << 3 #: Point just before sending an APDU in T=1. TRIG_PRE_SEND_APDU_T1 = 1 << 4 #: Point just before sending an APDU TRIG_PRE_SEND_APDU = ( TRIG_PRE_SEND_APDU_SHORT_T0 | TRIG_PRE_SEND_APDU_FRAGMENTED_T0 | TRIG_PRE_SEND_APDU_T1 ) #: Point just before receiving a RESP in T=0. TRIG_POST_RESP_T0 = 1 << 6 #: Point just before receiving a RESP in T=1. TRIG_POST_RESP_T1 = 1 << 7 #: Point just before receiving a RESP TRIG_POST_RESP = TRIG_POST_RESP_T0 | TRIG_POST_RESP_T1 #: Point just after sending a byte through the ISO7816 interface. TRIG_IRQ_PUTC = 1 << 8 #: Point juster afted a byte has been received through the ISO7816 interface. TRIG_IRQ_GETC = 1 << 9
[docs]class Triggers(Enum): # NOTE: you can improve your trigger strategies here by adding new ones # or existing ones! #: Triggers at the beginning and end of ATR: first trig just before # reading ATR, second trig after we have got the ATR MULTI_TRIG_ATR = [ TriggerPoints.TRIG_GET_ATR_PRE, TriggerPoints.TRIG_GET_ATR_POST, ] # Triggers after the first byte of an APDU has been sent: first trig # just after we have sent our APDU command, second trig when receiving # the first response byte from the card. MULTI_TRIG_AFTER_1ST_BYTE_SEND_APDU = [ TriggerPoints.TRIG_PRE_SEND_APDU, TriggerPoints.TRIG_IRQ_PUTC, ]
[docs]class TriggerStrategy(LEIAStructure): """ Attributes: delay (int): the delay between event detection and effective trig on GPIO in milliseconds. point_list (list[int]): the list of events to match. """ _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("size", ctypes.c_uint8), ("delay", ctypes.c_uint32), ("single", ctypes.c_uint8), ("_list", ctypes.c_uint32 * TRIGGER_DEPTH), ("_list_trigged", ctypes.c_uint32 * TRIGGER_DEPTH), ("_cnt_trigged", ctypes.c_uint32 * TRIGGER_DEPTH), ("_event_time", ctypes.c_uint32 * TRIGGER_DEPTH), ("_apply_delay", ctypes.c_uint32 * TRIGGER_DEPTH), ] def __init__(self, delay=0, single=0, point_list=None): if point_list is None: point_list = [] LEIAStructure.__init__(self, size=0, delay=delay, single=single) self.point_list = point_list def _translate_point_list(self, point_list): if isinstance(point_list, Triggers): point_list = point_list.value return list(map(lambda point: TriggerPoints(point).value, point_list)) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"TriggerStrategy(single={self.single}, delay={self.delay}, point_list={self.point_list}, point_list_trigged={self.point_list_trigged}, cnt_list_trigged={self.cnt_list_trigged}, event_time={self.event_time_list})" @property def point_list(self): _point_list = list(self._list)[0 : self.size] try: r = Triggers(_point_list) except Exception: r = list(map(lambda i: TriggerPoints(i), _point_list)) return r @point_list.setter def point_list(self, value): value = self._translate_point_list(value) if not isinstance(value, list): raise Exception("data should be a list") if len(value) > len(self._list): raise Exception("Size of data too high") for i, v in enumerate(value): self._list[i] = value[i] self.size = len(value) @property def point_list_trigged(self): _point_list_trigged = list(self._list_trigged)[0 : self.size] try: r = Triggers(_point_list_trigged) except Exception: r = list(map(lambda i: TriggerPoints(i), _point_list_trigged)) return r @property def cnt_list_trigged(self): _cnt_list_trigged = list(self._cnt_trigged)[0 : self.size] return _cnt_list_trigged @property def event_time_list(self): _event_time_list = list(self._event_time)[0 : self.size] return _event_time_list
class SetTriggerStrategy(LEIAStructure): _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [("index", ctypes.c_uint8), ("strategy", TriggerStrategy)] def __str__(self) -> str: return f"SetTriggerStrategy(index={self.index}, strategy={self.strategy})"
[docs]class ATR(LEIAStructure): """This class is used to represent an ATR. Attributes: ts (ctypes.c_uint8): Description of `attr1`. t0 (ctypes.c_uint8): Description of `attr2`. ta (ctypes.c_uint8[4]): Description of `attr1`. tb (ctypes.c_uint8[4]): Description of `attr2`. tc (ctypes.c_uint8[4]): Description of `attr1`. td (ctypes.c_uint8[4]): Description of `attr2`. h (ctypes.c_uint8[16]): Description of `attr1`. t_mask (ctypes.c_uint8[4]): Description of `attr2`. h_num (ctypes.c_uint8): Description of `attr1`. tck (ctypes.c_uint8): Description of `attr2`. tck_present (ctypes.c_uint8): Description of `attr1`. D_i_curr (ctypes.c_uint32): Description of `attr2`. F_i_curr (ctypes.c_uint32): Description of `attr1`. f_max_curr (ctypes.c_uint32): Description of `attr2`. T_protocol_curr (ctypes.c_uint8): Description of `attr1`. ifsc (ctypes.c_uint8): Description of `attr2`. """ _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("ts", ctypes.c_uint8), ("t0", ctypes.c_uint8), ("ta", ctypes.c_uint8 * 4), ("tb", ctypes.c_uint8 * 4), ("tc", ctypes.c_uint8 * 4), ("td", ctypes.c_uint8 * 4), ("h", ctypes.c_uint8 * 16), ("t_mask", ctypes.c_uint8 * 4), ("h_num", ctypes.c_uint8), ("tck", ctypes.c_uint8), ("tck_present", ctypes.c_uint8), ("D_i_curr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("F_i_curr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("f_max_curr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("T_protocol_curr", ctypes.c_uint8), ("ifsc", ctypes.c_uint8), ] def normalized(self) -> bytes: b = b"" b += ctypes.string_at(ctypes.addressof(self), ATR.ts.size + ATR.t0.size) for i in range(0, 4): if self.t_mask[0] & (0x1 << i) != 0: b += ctypes.string_at(ctypes.addressof(self) + ATR.ta.offset + i, 1) if self.t_mask[1] & (0x1 << i) != 0: b += ctypes.string_at(ctypes.addressof(self) + ATR.tb.offset + i, 1) if self.t_mask[2] & (0x1 << i) != 0: b += ctypes.string_at(ctypes.addressof(self) + + i, 1) if self.t_mask[3] & (0x1 << i) != 0: b += ctypes.string_at(ctypes.addressof(self) + + i, 1) b += ctypes.string_at(ctypes.addressof(self) + ATR.h.offset, self.h_num) if self.tck_present == 1: b += ctypes.string_at(ctypes.addressof(self) + ATR.tck.offset, 1) return b def pretty_print(self): print("TS = 0x%02x" % self.ts) print("T0 = 0x%02x" % self.t0) for i in range(0, 4): if self.t_mask[0] & (0x1 << i) != 0: print("TA[%d] = 0x%02x" % (i, self.ta[i])) for i in range(0, 4): if self.t_mask[1] & (0x1 << i) != 0: print("TB[%d] = 0x%02x" % (i, self.tb[i])) for i in range(0, 4): if self.t_mask[2] & (0x1 << i) != 0: print("TC[%d] = 0x%02x" % (i,[i])) for i in range(0, 4): if self.t_mask[3] & (0x1 << i) != 0: print("TD[%d] = 0x%02x" % (i,[i])) for i in range(0, self.h_num): print("H[%d] = 0x%02x" % (i, self.h[i])) if self.tck_present == 1: print("TCK = 0x%02x" % (self.tck)) print("------ Protocol information") print(" Current protocol T = %d" % (self.T_protocol_curr)) print( " Di = %d, Fi = %d, f_max_curr = %d MHz" % (self.D_i_curr, self.F_i_curr, self.f_max_curr) ) print(" IFSC = %d" % (self.ifsc)) return def __str__(self) -> str: return f"""ATR( ts=0x{self.ts:02X}, t0=0x{self.t0:02X}, ta=[0x{self.ta[0]:02X}, 0x{self.ta[1]:02X}, 0x{self.ta[2]:02X}, 0x{self.ta[3]:02X}], tb=[0x{self.tb[0]:02X}, 0x{self.tb[1]:02X}, 0x{self.tb[2]:02X}, 0x{self.tb[3]:02X}], tc=[0x{[0]:02X}, 0x{[1]:02X}, 0x{[2]:02X}, 0x{[3]:02X}], td=[0x{[0]:02X}, 0x{[1]:02X}, 0x{[2]:02X}, 0x{[3]:02X}], h=[0x{self.h[ 0]:02X}, 0x{self.h[ 1]:02X}, 0x{self.h[ 2]:02X}, 0x{self.h[ 3]:02X}, 0x{self.h[ 4]:02X}, 0x{self.h[ 5]:02X}, 0x{self.h[ 6]:02X}, 0x{self.h[ 7]:02X}, 0x{self.h[ 8]:02X}, 0x{self.h[ 9]:02X}, 0x{self.h[10]:02X}, 0x{self.h[11]:02X}, 0x{self.h[12]:02X}, 0x{self.h[13]:02X}, 0x{self.h[14]:02X}, 0x{self.h[15]:02X}], t_mask=[0x{self.t_mask[0]:02X}, 0x{self.t_mask[1]:02X}, 0x{self.t_mask[2]:02X}, 0x{self.t_mask[3]:02X}], h_num=0x{self.h_num:02X}, tck=0x{self.tck:02X}, tck_present=0x{self.tck_present:02X}, D_i_curr={self.D_i_curr}, F_i_curr={self.F_i_curr}, f_max_curr={self.f_max_curr}, T_protocol_curr={self.T_protocol_curr}, ifsc={self.ifsc} )"""
class ResponseSizeStruct(LEIAStructure): """ Attributes: response_size (ctypes.c_uint32): number of bytes of the response. """ _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [("response_size", ctypes.c_uint32)]
[docs]class APDU(LEIAStructure): """Object for representing an APDU. Attributes: cla (ctypes.c_uint8): the `CLA` field of the APDU. ins (ctypes.c_uint8): the `INS` field of the APDU. p1 (ctypes.c_uint8): the `P1` field of the APDU. p2 (ctypes.c_uint8): the `P2` field of the APDU. lc (ctypes.c_uint16): the `Lc` field of the APDU. le (ctypes.c_uint32): the `Le` field of the APDU. send_le (ctypes.c_uint8): Description of `attr1`. data (list[int]): the `data` field of the APDU. """ _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("cla", ctypes.c_uint8), ("ins", ctypes.c_uint8), ("p1", ctypes.c_uint8), ("p2", ctypes.c_uint8), ("lc", ctypes.c_uint16), ("le", ctypes.c_uint32), ("send_le", ctypes.c_uint8), ("_data", ctypes.c_uint8 * MAX_APDU_PAYLOAD_SIZE), ] def __init__( self, cla: int = 0, ins: int = 0, p1: int = 0, p2: int = 0, lc: int = None, le: int = 0, send_le: int = 1, data: Optional[List[int]] = None, ): """ Create an APDU structure. Parameters: cla: the `CLA` field of the APDU. ins: the `INS` field of the APDU. p1: the `P1` field of the APDU. p2: the `P2` field of the APDU. lc: the `Lc` (data length) field of the APDU. le: the `Le` (expected length) field of the APDU. send_le: TODO. data: the list of bytes to send. """ if data is None: data = [] elif hasattr(data, "__iter__"): data = list(data) if lc is None: lc = len(data) LEIAStructure.__init__( self, cla=cla, ins=ins, p1=p1, p2=p2, lc=lc, le=le, send_le=send_le ) = data def pack(self): return LEIAStructure.pack(self)[: APDU._data.offset +] def __str__(self) -> str: return ( f"APDU(cla={hex(self.cla)}, ins={hex(self.ins)}, p1={hex(self.p1)}, p2={hex(self.p2)}, lc={}, le={self.le}, send_le={self.send_le}" + (f", data={}" if != 0 else "") + ")" ) @property def data(self): return list(self._data)[0 :] @data.setter def data(self, value): if not isinstance(value, list): raise Exception("data should be a list") if len(value) > len(self._data): raise Exception("Size of data too high") for i, v in enumerate(value): self._data[i] = value[i] = len(value) def normalized(self) -> bytes: b = b"" b += ctypes.string_at(ctypes.addressof(self), if != 0: b += ctypes.string_at(ctypes.addressof(self) +, b += ctypes.string_at(ctypes.addressof(self) + APDU._data.offset, if self.send_le != 0: b += ctypes.string_at(ctypes.addressof(self) + APDU.le.offset, APDU.le.size) if == 0 and self.send_le == 0: b += ctypes.string_at(ctypes.addressof(self) +, return b
[docs]def create_APDU_from_bytes(_bytes) -> APDU: """Create an :class:`APDU` instance from a list of bytes. Example: >>> create_APDU_from_bytes([0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08,0x09]) APDU(cla=0x00, ins=0x01, p1=0x02, p2=0x03, lc=0x04, data=[0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08], le=0x09, send_le=1) """ apdu = APDU() apdu.cla, apdu.ins, apdu.p1, apdu.p2 = _bytes[:4] apdu.send_le = 0 if len(_bytes) < 5: raise NotImplementedError( "Error in decoding APDU buffer of size %d is too small" % (len(_bytes)) ) if len(_bytes) == 5:, apdu.le = 0, _bytes[4] apdu.send_le = 1 else:, apdu.le = _bytes[4], 0 if == 0x00 and len(_bytes) >= 8: # This is an extended APDU, try to decode Lc on 16 bits apdu.send_le = 2 = (_bytes[5] << 16) + _bytes[6] # Get the data if len(_bytes) >= ( + 7): if >= len(apdu._data): raise NotImplementedError( "Error in decoding extended APDU: buffer %d exceeds LEIA size %d" % (, len(apdu._data)) ) for i in range( apdu._data[i] = _bytes[7 + i] # Get Le if present if len(_bytes) >= ( + 7 + 3): if _bytes[ + 7] != 0x00: raise NotImplementedError("Error in decoding extended APDU Le") apdu.le = (_bytes[ + 7 + 1] << 16) + _bytes[ + 7 + 2] else: # Lc is not present and we have in fact Le on 3 bytes apdu.le = = 0 elif == 0: # Short APDU with no data if len(_bytes) == 6: apdu.le = _bytes[5] apdu.send_le = 1 else: # Should be covered otherwise apdu.le = 0 apdu.send_le = 1 else: # Short APDU with data for i in range( apdu._data[i] = _bytes[5 + i] if len(_bytes) == 5 + + 1: apdu.le = _bytes[5 +] apdu.send_le = 1 return apdu
[docs]class RESP(LEIAStructure): """This class is used to represent an RESP. Attributes: sw1 (ctypes.c_uint8): The value of `SW1` field. sw2 (ctypes.c_uint8): The value of `SW2` field. le (ctypes.c_uint32): The length of the data. data (list[byte]): The value of the `data` field. """ _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("le", ctypes.c_uint32), ("sw1", ctypes.c_uint8), ("sw2", ctypes.c_uint8), ("delta_t", ctypes.c_uint32), ("delta_t_answer", ctypes.c_uint32), ("_data", ctypes.c_uint8 * MAX_APDU_PAYLOAD_SIZE), ] def __init__(self, sw1=0, sw2=0, data=None, delta_t=0, delta_t_answer=0): """ Create an RESP structure. Parameters: le (int): the `Le` field of the RESP. sw1 (int): the `SW1` field of the RESP. sw2 (int): the `SW2` field of the RESP. delta_t (int) : total time for the APDU. delta_t_answer (int) : answer time for the APDU. data (list[int]): the list of bytes received. """ if data is None: data = [] LEIAStructure.__init__( self, sw1=sw1, sw2=sw2, delta_t=delta_t, delta_t_answer=delta_t_answer ) = data def __str__(self) -> str: return ( f"RESP(sw1=0x{self.sw1:02X}, sw2=0x{self.sw2:02X}, le={hex(self.le)}" + (f", data={}" if self.le != 0 else "") + (f")\ndelta_t={self.delta_t:d} microseconds, delta_t_answer={self.delta_t_answer:d} microseconds") ) @property def data(self): return list(self._data)[0 : self.le] @data.setter def data(self, value): if not isinstance(value, list): raise Exception("data should be a list") if len(value) > len(self._data): raise Exception("Size of data too high") for i, v in enumerate(value): self._data[i] = value[i] self.le = len(value) def normalized(self) -> bytes: b = b"" b += ctypes.string_at(ctypes.addressof(self) + RESP._data.offset, self.le) b += ctypes.string_at(ctypes.addressof(self) + RESP.sw1.offset, RESP.sw1.size) b += ctypes.string_at(ctypes.addressof(self) + RESP.sw2.offset, RESP.sw2.size) return b
[docs]class T(IntEnum): """ ISO7816 protocol selection. """ #: The protocol is negotiated. AUTO = -1 #: The protocol is T=0 T0 = 0 #: The protocol is T=1 T1 = 1
class Mode(IntEnum): """ ISO7816 mode selection. """ # USART mode USART = 0 # Bitbang mode BITBANG = 1 class LEIAMode(LEIAStructure): _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("mode", ctypes.c_uint8), ] def __init__( self, mode, ): LEIAStructure.__init__( self, mode=mode, ) class ConfigureSmartcardCommand(LEIAStructure): _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("protocol", ctypes.c_uint8), ("etu", ctypes.c_uint32), ("freq", ctypes.c_uint32), ("negotiate_pts", ctypes.c_uint8), ("negotiate_baudrate", ctypes.c_uint8), ] def __init__( self, protocol=None, etu=None, freq=None, negotiate_pts=True, negotiate_baudrate=True, ): LEIAStructure.__init__( self, protocol=protocol, etu=etu, freq=freq, negotiate_pts=negotiate_pts, negotiate_baudrate=negotiate_baudrate, )
[docs]class LEIA: """ This class connects to a LEIA board and provides an access to all the device functionnality. """ USB_VID = 0x3483 USB_PID = 0x0BB9 def __init__( self, device: str = "", serial_factory: Optional[serial.Serial] = None, auto_open=True, ): """ Parameters: device: the serial port to use with LEIA (like /dev/ttyUSB0). Raises: Exception: if no serial port is provided. """ self.reconfigured = False self.pcsc_stop = False self.pcsc_relay_thread = None self.curr_atr = None self.lock = threading.Lock() if serial_factory is None: serial_factory = serial.Serial self.device = device self.serial_factory = serial_factory if auto_open: def _testWaitingFlag(self): """ Verify the presence of the waiting flag. """ self.ser.read_all() self.ser.write(b" ") time.sleep(0.1) d = + self.ser.read_all() if len(d) == 0 or d[-1] != 87: # b"W" raise ConnectionError("Can not connect to LEIA.") def _checkAck(self): """ Verify the presence of the acknowledge flag. """ if != b"R": raise IOError("No response ack received.") def _checkStatus(self): """ Verify the presence of the status flag. """ s = while s == b"w": # This is a 'wait extension' flag, try to read again s = if len(s) == 0: raise IOError("No status flag received.") if s == b"U": raise IOError("LEIA firmware do not handle this command.") elif s == b"E": raise IOError("Unkwown error (E).") elif s != b"S": raise IOError("Invalid status flag '{s}' received.") status = if status == b"": raise IOError("Status not received.") elif status != b"\x00": raise IOError(ERR_FLAGS[ord(status)]) return status def _read_response_size(self): """ Read and parse the "response size" field. """ return ( ResponseSizeStruct().unpack( )
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset LEIA. """ with self.lock: self._testWaitingFlag() self._send_command(b"r")
[docs] def open(self): """ Open LEIA. """ if not self.device: # Try to find automatically the device possible_ports = [] for port in if == self.USB_PID and port.vid == self.USB_VID: possible_ports.append(port) if len(possible_ports) > 2: raise RuntimeError( f"Too much {self.USB_VID}/{self.USB_PID} devices found! I don't know which one to use." ) elif len(possible_ports) == 0: raise RuntimeError(f"No {self.USB_VID}/{self.USB_PID} device found") for possible_port in possible_ports: self.device = possible_port.device try: self.ser = self.serial_factory( self.device, timeout=1, baudrate=115200 ) while True: d = self.read_all() if len(d) == 0: break self._testWaitingFlag() self.ser.timeout = 10 except ConnectionError: self.ser.close() except serial.SerialException: pass else: break else: self.ser = self.serial_factory(self.device, timeout=1, baudrate=115200) while True: d = self.read_all() if len(d) == 0: break self._testWaitingFlag() self.ser.timeout = 10
# Set the mode to either USART or BITBANG def set_mode(self, mode: Mode): if mode == Mode.USART: self._send_command(b"e", LEIAMode(Mode.USART)) elif mode == Mode.BITBANG: self._send_command(b"e", LEIAMode(Mode.BITBANG)) else: raise Exception( "Invalid mode for 'set_mode' (e) command." ) # Get the current mode def get_mode(self): self._send_command(b"g") r_size = self._read_response_size() if r_size != 1: raise Exception( "Invalid response size for 'get_mode' (g) command." ) r = if r == b"\x00": mode = Mode.USART elif r == b"\x01": mode = Mode.BITBANG else: mode = None return mode
[docs] def configure_smartcard( self, protocol_to_use: Optional[T] = None, ETU_to_use: Optional[int] = None, freq_to_use: Optional[int] = None, negotiate_pts: Optional[bool] = True, negotiate_baudrate: Optional[bool] = True, ): """Configure a smartcard connection. Method to configure a smartcard. By default, the smartcard reader will negociate with the smartcard the mode (T=0 or T=1), the ETU and the frequence to use. It is possible to: - force a mode (by setting protocol_to_use to 0 for T=0, and to 1 for T=1) - force an ETU (by setting the ETU_to_use parameter) - force a frequence (by setting the freq_to_use parameter) Example: >>> leia.configure_smartcard(T.T0, ETU_to_use=372) Parameters: protocol_to_use: The protocol to use (0: T=0, 1: T=1). ETU_to_use: The ETU value to force. If None, will be negociated (or default will be used). freq_to_use: The ISO7816 clock frequency to use. If None, will be negociated (or default will be used). negotiate_pts: if LEIA can try to negotiate the PTS. negotiate_baudrate: if LEIA can negotiate the baudrate. There is not impact if `ETU_to_use` and `freq_to_use` are set. """ with self.lock: self._testWaitingFlag() self.reconfigured = True self.curr_atr = None if protocol_to_use is None: protocol_to_use = T.AUTO try: _protocol_to_use = T(protocol_to_use).value + 1 except ValueError: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown protocol value.") if ETU_to_use is None: ETU_to_use = 0 if freq_to_use is None: freq_to_use = 0 negotiate_pts = True if negotiate_pts else False negotiate_baudrate = True if negotiate_baudrate else False # We always try to negotiate a T=1 communication if not specifically asked otherwise # Fallback to auto if this is not possible! if (protocol_to_use == T.AUTO) and (negotiate_pts == True): try: struct = ConfigureSmartcardCommand( T(T.T1).value + 1, ETU_to_use, freq_to_use, negotiate_pts, negotiate_baudrate, ) self._send_command(b"c", struct) except Exception: struct = ConfigureSmartcardCommand( T(T.AUTO).value + 1, ETU_to_use, freq_to_use, negotiate_pts, negotiate_baudrate, ) self._send_command(b"c", struct) else: struct = ConfigureSmartcardCommand( _protocol_to_use, ETU_to_use, freq_to_use, negotiate_pts, negotiate_baudrate, ) self._send_command(b"c", struct)
[docs] def get_trigger_strategy(self, SID: int) -> TriggerStrategy: """ Returns the strategy N°SID. Parameters: SID: The trigger strategy's ID to get. Returns: TriggerStrategy: The trigger strategy N°SID. """ with self.lock: if SID >= STRATEGY_MAX: raise Exception("get_trigger_strategy: asked SID=%d exceeds STRATEGY_MAX=%d" % (SID, STRATEGY_MAX)) self._send_command(b"o", ByteStruct(SID)) r_size = self._read_response_size() r = TriggerStrategy(TRIGGER_DEPTH).unpack( return r
[docs] def set_trigger_strategy( self, SID: int, point_list: Union[int, List[int]], delay: int = 0, single: int = 0 ): """ Set and activate a trigger strategy. Parameters: SID: the strategy bank ID to use. point_list: the sequence to match for the trigger. delay: the delay (in milliseconds) between the moment of the detection and the moment where the trigger is actually set high. """ with self.lock: if SID >= STRATEGY_MAX: raise Exception("get_trigger_strategy: asked SID=%d exceeds STRATEGY_MAX=%d" % (SID, STRATEGY_MAX)) if isinstance(point_list, int): size = 1 point_list = [point_list] size = len(point_list) sts = SetTriggerStrategy(SID, TriggerStrategy(delay = delay, single = single, point_list = point_list)) self._send_command(b"O", sts)
[docs] def get_timers(self) -> Timers: """ Return the `timers` of the last command. Returns: Timers: The `Timer` object. """ with self.lock: self._send_command(b"m") r_size = self._read_response_size() r = Timers().unpack( return r
[docs] def get_ATR(self) -> ATR: """ Return the `ATR`. Returns: ATR: The `ATR` object. """ with self.lock: self._send_command(b"t") r_size = self._read_response_size() r = ATR().unpack( return r
[docs] def is_card_inserted(self) -> bool: """ Return `True` if a smartcard is inserted in LEIA. Returns: `True` if a smartcard is inserted, else `False`. """ with self.lock: self._send_command(b"?") r_size = self._read_response_size() if r_size != 1: raise Exception( "Invalid response size for 'is_card_inserted' (?) command." ) r = return True if r == b"\x01" else False
# DFU mode
[docs] def dfu(self) -> None: """ Reboot LEIA in DFU mode. """ with self.lock: try: self._send_command(b"u") except serial.SerialException: pass
# AVR flasher mode
[docs] def flasher(self) -> None: """ Reboot LEIA in funcard flasher mode. """ with self.lock: try: self._send_command(b"f") except serial.SerialException: pass
[docs] def smartreader(self) -> None: """ Reboot LEIA in funcard smartreader mode. """ with self.lock: try: self._send_command(b"s") except serial.SerialException: pass
[docs] def send_APDU(self, apdu: APDU) -> RESP: """ Send an `APDU`. Parameters: apdu: The `APDU` object. Returns: RESP: The `RESP` object. """ with self.lock: self._send_command(b"a", apdu) r_size = self._read_response_size() r = RESP().unpack( return r
def _send_command(self, command: bytes, struct: LEIAStructure = None): """ Send a command to LEIA. Parameters: command: the ID of the command. struct: the data of the command. """ self._testWaitingFlag() self.ser.write(command) if struct is not None: compacted = struct.pack() size = len(compacted).to_bytes(COMMAND_LEN_SIZE, byteorder="big") self.ser.write(size) self.ser.write(compacted) else: self.ser.write((0).to_bytes(COMMAND_LEN_SIZE, byteorder="big")) self._checkStatus() self._checkAck() def __getattr__(self, attr): if hasattr(self.ser, attr): return getattr(self.ser, attr) raise AttributeError(f"no attribute '{attr}'") # Handle connection with a virtual smart card reader # on localhost or elsewhere on the network def _pcsc_relay_thread(self, host, port): # noqa: C901 import binascii import socket import struct print("Starting LEIA PCSC relay for host %s:%d" % (host, port)) while not self.pcsc_stop: if not self.is_card_inserted(): self.curr_atr = None time.sleep(0.5) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: s.connect((host, port)) except Exception as e: print( "Error: cannot connect to %s:%d. Is PCSCD running with virtual smartcard readers?" % (host, port) ) raise (e) s.settimeout(10) while ( self.is_card_inserted() and not self.reconfigured and not self.pcsc_stop ): # Now wait for data to come # Get the comrand data = b"" while len(data) != 2: if self.pcsc_stop: break try: data += s.recv(1) except socket.timeout: pass if self.pcsc_stop: break length = struct.unpack("!H", data)[0] if length == 1: # We received a Power Off, Power On, Reset or Get ATR command data = s.recv(1) if data == b"\x00": # print("Received Power Off command!") pass elif data == b"\x01": # print("Received Power On command!") pass elif data == b"\x02": # print("Received Reset command!") pass elif data == b"\x04": # print("Received Get ATR command!") # Format our length if not self.is_card_inserted(): # print("Card not inserted!") s.sendall(b"\x00\x00") else: if self.curr_atr is None: self.curr_atr = self.get_ATR() if self.curr_atr.ts == 0x00: # Card not configured, configure it try: self.configure_smartcard() except Exception: pass self.curr_atr = self.get_ATR() # Send the ATR length = struct.pack("!H", len(self.curr_atr.normalized())) s.sendall(length + self.curr_atr.normalized()) else: print( "LEIA PCSC relay error: received unknown command %s" % binascii.hexlify(data) ) else: # We received an APDU # print("Received APDU command of size %d!" % length) data = s.recv(length) # Format and send the APDU apdu = create_APDU_from_bytes(data) r = self.send_APDU(apdu) # If we have a 61XX response, handle the GET_RESPONSE here! if r.sw1 == 0x61: r = self.send_APDU( APDU( cla=apdu.cla, ins=0xC0, p1=0x00, p2=0x00, le=r.sw2, send_le=1, ) ) # If we have a 6Cxx (wrong length), adapt the APDU if r.sw1 == 0x6C: apdu.le = r.sw2 apdu.send_le = 1 r = self.send_APDU(apdu) # If we have 67XX, adapt the APDU if r.sw1 == 0x67: apdu.le = 0x00 apdu.send_le = 1 r = self.send_APDU(apdu) # Format the response and send it length = struct.pack("!H", len(r.normalized())) s.sendall(length + r.normalized()) s.close() self.reconfigured = False self.pcsc_stop = False print("End of the relay.") def pcsc_relay(self, host="", port=0x8C7B): self.pcsc_relay_thread = threading.Thread( name="LEIA PCSC relay", target=self._pcsc_relay_thread, args=(host, port) ) self.pcsc_relay_thread.daemon = True self.pcsc_relay_thread.start() def pcsc_relay_stop(self): self.pcsc_stop = True